– review
Review about is the first solely online graphic design school since 2008. They teach a range of online design courses for different levels, selft-paced. They also like to hear from students, tutors and designers and receive tutorials and articles that you believe the student community may benefit from. If you have an idea or an inspiration for any of the above you can write for and get paid. So read on when you’re skilled enough with for example software to write a beginner tutorial in either Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign. They are also looking for articles about open source design or utility software for designers. The Graphic Design School supports students, So if you’re a student please don’t be afraid to write an article or tutorial for For other students, its a great way to get the ‘student perspective’, and also a great addition on your resume and portfolio.
How to submit an article for
They are looking for talented individuals to contribute articles to The Graphic Design School Blog, but there are also a few simple guidelines that you must adhere to:
– required width for the images is 700px
– good resolution
– no real limits for the height
– attach images instead of using external links
– send the video with your post
– explain verbally and via images for example screenshots, how to do some of the more simpler actions.
– articles must have a connection to Graphic Design
– tutorials don’t need a Graphic Design connection
– the content must be original. They will not accept submissions that are posted elsewhere, or resemble content posted elsewhere.
– the submission and purchasing of articles and tutorials gives the “Graphic Design School Blog” full copyright to its contents
– only use materials you own, or have permission to use in your submission. Use citation where needed
– the article or tutorial should be sent with no grammatical or spelling errors
– Images and documents should be archived together in a .zip or .tar file.
– reserve the right to edit a submission
They will let you know within seven days, if your post has been accepted or not.
It’s wise to contact with Article and Tutorial concepts and outlines before writing a tutorial.
If your tutorial or article is accepted, They will contact you for your personal information like your Bio, URL, Twitter, facebook, other social media and Paypal information.
How much will pay you for writing?
for every accepted article or tutorial pays US$100 to US$200 in total.
Within the first two weeks, following the first month of publicationIf of your tutorial or article, a payment of US$75 will be made .
If estimates that the content you provided is rich enough to be spread across several posts, they will pay you up to US$120.
Please note that if they gain evidence in this time that the tutorial or source images used in the tutorial have been plagiarized they will take the tutorial off the site and payment will not be made.
You are allowed to place the following promotion for free:
– Short Bio on every published tutorial for self promotion
– Link to Website on Every Post Published
– Link to Twitter, Facebook or other Social Platform on Every Post Published
They pay via Paypal. You therefore need to have a Paypal Account. on YouTube
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